Be Kind to Your Mind: The Practice of Self-Compassion
Dr. Neff determined that self-compassion is made up of three components that create a framework for nurturing yourself, especially in moments of difficulty. They are self-kindness versus judgment, common Humanity versus isolation, and mindfulness versus over-identification.
Savage Skin: Treatments Bring Out the Beauty That Is Skin Deep
At Savage Skin, Dr. Wayne Johnson of Hilton Head Health and Wellness and licensed aesthetician Maggie Silver are pooling their considerable expertise for an experience that treats your skin like the fiercely beautiful and inspiringly durable miracle that it is.
Knitted Knockers
…to offer comfort to women after breast cancer surgery
The Dentist Spotlight
Meet some of the Lowcountry’s Finest Dental Professionals
Deep Roots, High Ambitions: Lola Campbell
Mention the name Campbell in the Lowcountry, and you are likely to hear stories—stories of Hilton Head Island’s rich history, stories of community, of kindness, generosity, and hard work. And it is upon this foundation that Omolola “Lola” Campbell, Esq. perpetuates...
Lowcountry Mompreneurs 2022
“When you have kids, making time to do what fulfills you, be it career or otherwise, is not selfish it’s self-care.” “I’ve learned that every working mom is Superwoman.” “Shout out to working moms. You’re doing your best, even when you think you’re at your worst.”
School’s Out! Time for Summer Camp: 2022
The Arts Center of Coastal Carolina June 13- July 29 ARTSHHI.COM/CAMPS Art Around the World June 13-17 Ages 6–8: 9:30am–12pm Ages 9–14: 12:30–3pm Price: $145 Join us for a fun-filled week of art as we “travel” the world and explore art from different cultures. From...
Childcare Options for Vacationing Families: When you need a vacation from your vacation
There’s an old saying: “The family that plays together stays together.” But let’s face it. Sometimes all that togetherness can be downright exhausting. Vacations are a perfect opportunity to create lasting memories with your family and spend time bonding. Plus, they...
Tips for Treating Seasonal Allergies
Article By Sandra Harley Counts, PharmD
More Zen: Namaste Spa opens second location at Marriott’s Grande Ocean Resort
Namaste Spa’s first location at Marriott’s Barony Beach Club has always been one of Hilton Head Island’s most luxurious retreats, offering clients a certain level of well-appointed service. Soon, however, islanders will be able to enjoy another location of this...
Motherless on Mother’s Day
It was a warm summer day in June, and I was high on wedding plans. With less than 48 hours until my walk down the aisle to say “I do” to the love of my life, I got the call that would shake the rafters of my soul. My mother has been gone now for more years than I knew...
It’s Time to Bite Back: Biting pests ruining your cookout? It’s time to call in Mosquito Hunters.
Have you been enjoying this cooler spring? Isn’t it pleasant to step outside, breathe in the crisp unseasonably cold air and enjoy your outdoor spaces? Enjoy it while you can—the mosquitos are coming. “We’re still in the preseason right now,” said Tino Villani, owner...
A Note from Mayor Sulka: May 2022
Preserving Our Sense of Place The town is currently offering a Historic Preservation Grant Program to owners of “contributing resources” to the Old Town Bluffton Historic District to financially assist in the preservation, restoration, or rehabilitation of these...
A Note from Mayor McCann: May 2022
Redistricting a Necessary Process for Island Wards & Neighborhoods In government, there are actions you are required to take for the benefit of the community. They may not always be exciting, but they are necessary. One such act is redistricting, the...
Love Never Divides…It Only Multiplies
Life Lessons from a mother who’s figured out love’s perfect equation
Friendship: Love that Lasts
Most adults have a broad circle of acquaintances and a much smaller circle of close friends—you know, the ones who would drop everything to drive us to the airport or the hospital; the ones who show up with soup when we’re sick, Kleenex (and emergency hugs) when we’re...
Line in the Sand: Mother’s Day Edition
By The Kaufman Boys Not that long ago, Courtney decided once again to come out of retirement and present me with a gift: another opportunity to squabble with her on the printed page. I always treasure these opportunities, but to be honest I was a little taken aback by...
Motherly Love
Years ago, I used to joke that I was no one’s mother except the cat’s. That statement is no joke in that I have not carried a child in my womb, although I now have two stepdaughters, four grandsons and one granddaughter. I claim no blood relation to these charming,...
A Palmetto Bluff Experience: Designing a new perspective
The great room uses blended materials with great expansive views of the courtyard. At Palmetto Bluff, it all begins with the land. Nestled between Hilton Head Island and Savannah, this master-planned community is the most classic of Southern neighborhoods. The...
What’s Hot and What’s Not: Five trends to embrace and five to forget
Trends are … well, they’re trends. They come and go. They are the benchmarks that keep us either fresh or stale. So here are some exciting ideas that are on point and some to which you should wave goodbye. First, consider the top interior design trends that we’re most...
The Prince of Tides
Ryan Moore and his team of highly qualified professionals at High Tide Restoration and Cleaning are here to bring you back from disaster.
Erin Erenberg: Super entrepreneur, super women’s advocate, super mom
It’s not often you hear the word “matrescence” dropped in casual conversation. But Erin Erenberg, an attorney, mom of three, and former tech and entertainment executive, is so committed to improving the experience of modern mothers that she’s made maternal advocacy...
A Better Backyard: Updates for outdoor living spaces
Spring weather has a way of waking everything up including your inspiration to create new and improved outdoor spaces. For those of us who reside in the Lowcountry, our outdoor access is barely limited by our short winter exposure, so giving a little attention to...
A Sky Full of Stars: Alliance Dance Academy’s celestial dance has created whole constellations that burn brighter than ever.
It’s not easy to make a star. In the cosmic sense, it’s a process of time and pressure, a cosmic ballet of swirling dust and gasses that coalesce into something dazzling. This can take millions of years, the forces of gravity coaxing this magnificent heavenly...
“Through the Beauty of a Garden … A Gift to the Community”: All Saints Garden Tour returns for thirty-third season
We’re back! The thirty-third Annual All Saints Garden Tour on Saturday, May 21, 2022, has something for everyone: gardens of various sizes, most located on the water. Some are designed and maintained by professional landscapers; others are lovingly created by the...