Local author follows a curious cat seeking magic
The SpongeBob Musical Splashes Onto Local Stage
“This production is a celebration of creativity, resilience, and the power of community”
A Line in the Sand: Courtney’s Opinion vs. Barry’s Opinion
“For the life of me I couldn’t remember what the sum of nine times six was. I panicked and thought, I am turning into my mother – because certainly she doesn’t recall that she tells the same POA story at every family dinner.”
Ringing in the Season at Coligny
Hilton Head Island’s downtown is the coolest spot south of the North Pole
Big Fish Brings Big Heart to the HHCA Stage
In addition to the onstage and backstage efforts, HHCA’s fine arts program fosters student growth through mentorship and experiential learning.
A Line In The Sand
I grew up in the 1980s. Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” war on drugs was ever-present.
Something Rotten!
Arts Center opens ’24-’25 season with hilarious musical
Dinner With Friends
Sea Glass Stage Company welcomes autumn with Dinner With Friends, a heartwarming yet poignant comedy about the complexities of friendship, marriage, and the ties that bind.
A Line in the Sand
If a sandal is a shoe, then why wouldn’t we just call them “convertible shoes?” Or call cowboy boots “shoes for people who watch Yellowstone,” slippers “unemployment shoes”? and Crocs “ugly rubber shoes”?
HHCA Marches Broadway Musical Classic onto the Stage
This Tony Award-winning classic is Americana at its best.
A Line in the Sand: Courtney’s Opinion & Barry’s Opinion
USCB has policies that are quite explicit about what can happen if a student uses others’ work – including AI – on course assignments. The AI-generated work belongs to the AI, not to the student.
Birth of a Stage Company Leads to Rebirth of an Island Landmark
Our Mission Statement: To celebrate the power of performing arts by creating a space where passionate, talented artists in our community and surrounding regions come together to bring stories to life.
A Line in the Sand
Immediately the world lost its collective mind, because deep down inside we’re all still in high school. When we see the popular girl and the one jock with a personality finally get together, we start whispering in the hallways and passing notes about it in homeroom.
Live From Coligny – It’s Summer
The hottest stage in town once again fills the south end air with the sweet sounds of local music. Jevon Daly If there’s a soundtrack to summer on Hilton Head Island, it has to sound an awful lot...
Pulling a Few Strings: Bob Abdou
Step inside the surreal world of puppeteer and ventriloquist Bob Abdou and meet a few of his best dummies.
Line in the Sand: December 2022
Is it ever too early to listen to Christmas music? Barry Kafuman November 1. That’s how far I made it this year. On October 31, I was passing out candy to the neighborhood kids (full-size Kit Kats,...
The Dad Life: Jevon Daly’s “You Kiss My Daughter” gets a re-release, with a video that’s every bit as goofy as you’re expecting.
There are certain expectations that come with fatherhood. There are the mundane ones: when a drain needs snaked, you’re going to be the one to do it; when the grass gets too long, you’re going to...
Line in the Sand: Mother’s Day Edition
By The Kaufman Boys Not that long ago, Courtney decided once again to come out of retirement and present me with a gift: another opportunity to squabble with her on the printed page. I always...
Matt Stock: Everyone’s Favorite Island Grinder Gets His Moment
The title of Matt Stock’s upcoming comedy shows at The Roasting Room is as soaked in irony as his undershirt is soaked in sweat after one of his countless, beloved holiday Santa Claus appearances. As much as he doesn’t want to jinx it by stating it aloud, things are pretty alright these days now for Hilton Head Island’s unofficial spirit animal.
Musicians in Bathrooms featuring The Nicest Guys in the World
Musicians: Gary Pratt & Jevon Daly
Harbourfest 2021: The Return was Legendary
It is a three-decade-long-and-running tradition, the most popular multi-week summer event on Hilton Head Island. Named a “Top 20 Event” by the Southeastern Tourism Society and a “Best of Southern Fests” by South Magazine, generations of families continue to plan vacations around it.
5 Predictions for 2021 (That Are Probably Wrong)
After a year like 2020, I think we’re all in need of some good news. Thankfully, the media-industrial complex (the real home of the whopper) has been hard at work to bring you that good news, bloviating across thinkpiece after thinkpiece on how all of this past year’s trials and tribulations are going to evaporate like some kind of simile about evaporation.
Pandemic Panacea: Improve your mental health with these natural remedies
Can’t concentrate? Can’t sleep? Can’t stop binge-eating your feelings? In a year of unparalleled anxiety—from Covid-19 to an election year for the books—people everywhere are sharing stories of stress eating, binge drinking, cancelling appointments (who can possibly sit through any more Zoom meetings?), and putting themselves to bed for a week.
Musicians in Bathrooms featuring Silicone Sister
A Q&A with Taime Downz, Billy C, Rob Foxx, and Jani St. James
Let Us Entertain You: Maggie and Jevon Doin’ Lowcountry Stuff
It’s the odd couple meets 2020. it works, but it’s weird. You’ll definitely laugh a lot and you’ll for sure be confused, but so are we. at the same time you’ll also kinda love it and be craving more. are you sure you’re ready?
A Birthday Cake of Societal Rebellion: Facing 40 alone
It’s a gray morning in January as I write this. Today I woke up late, made a cup of coffee and scrolled through an excerpt about the well-known philosopher Albert Camus on Brain Pickings, one of my favorite websites. This prompted me to pluck my tattered copy of The Myth of Sisyphus off my bookshelf and read at least half of one essay, underlining things just like I did as a college student. Next, I had a bowl of sugary kid cereal for my breakfast. Then I listened to Pink Floyd on YouTube—a “Best of” compilation.
Rehashing the 10-Year Challenge
In January 2019, the #tenyearchallenge meme went viral. Users of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter dug into the archives for 2009 profile pictures to post alongside current photos of themselves, along...
5 Drinks with The Amazing Zoltan – The world’s greatest animatronic prognosticator opens up on what’s coming our way in 2020.
He’s Drinking Dollar bills, mostly I’m Drinking A rum & coke from the Earl of Sandwhich Ever since his star turn in Tom Hanks’ Big, the Amazing Zoltan has been America’s foremost coin-operated...