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Goodbye, Purple Cow

Goodbye, Purple Cow

“I need you to go check the back of my car! See if there is any powdered sugar in there! If not, I need you to go to the grocery store as fast as you possibly can.” It’s just before 9 a.m. It’s like a fire drill in here. Electric mixers are whirring on both ends of...

A Note from Lisa Sulka : Dec 2022

A Note from Lisa Sulka : Dec 2022

Holiday Gifts Contribute to Bluffton Community One of the town’s accomplishments this year is partnering with the Community Foundation of the Lowcountry (CFL) to formalize avenues for residents to contribute to community projects. CFL, a 501(c )3 non-profit, offers a...

Christmas Cutback

Christmas Cutback

Let’s not sugar coat this. The holidays can be all-consuming. From the ever-expanding Christmas card list to the never-ending shopping, the season of giving takes a lot. However, local mom Ramara Garrett, known for her savings savvy, says it doesn’t have to break the...