by Linda Hopkins | Dec 27, 2021 | December 2021, Health & Wellness, The South, Women In Business
If you could unleash a genie from a bottle and be granted three wishes for your body, what would you change? Would you ask for stronger legs, a flatter tummy, a toned backside? Would you plead for your back to stop hurting, your jeans to zip, or your golf game to...
by Linda Hopkins | Nov 29, 2021 | December 2021, Fitness, Health & Wellness, Small Business Celebrities, The South, Women In Business
Genies in bottles are hard to come by these days, but if you are willing to put in some time and energy, the instructors at Pilates Hilton Head have everything you need to achieve those longed-for results and more. As exercise trends come and go, Pilates has stood the...
by Linda Hopkins | Oct 29, 2021 | Arts & Entertainment, Home, Love, October 2021, Small Business Celebrities, The South, Women In Business
There are two ways of seeing the world: the average way and the artists’ way. To the average person, a tarnished silver pot is just that: a tarnished silver pot—an object that maybe sits on a table or gets stashed away in the attic, largely unnoticed and...
by Linda Hopkins | Aug 5, 2021 | August 2021, Beauty, Bridal, Health & Wellness, Love, Small Business Celebrities, The South, Women In Business
Thanks to owners Jennifer and Robert Wolfe, your mini-vacation is just around the corner—in Bluffton. Over the past year and a half, while the world was shut down, the husband/wife team pushed forward with their vision and plans to convert what was once a Golden...
by Linda Hopkins | May 28, 2021 | Charity, June 2021, Love, Talk Of The Town, The South
This past winter, Sea Pines resident Mike Bruce, his brother Beau, and friend Terry Millard, along with their wives, were gathered around the firepit at Spanish Wells Club when this very topic came up. It didn’t take advanced math skills to conclude that if they...