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What Is Your Superpower?

What Is Your Superpower?

What is your superpower? In his inspiring song Jevon Daly sings, “Your power could be your muscles. Your power could be your brains. Outside we all look different. Inside we’re all the same.” He...

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Taking in a Dive along the Coast

Taking in a Dive along the Coast

When you think about all the games we played to pass the time as kids, it doesn’t take long at all to rattle off a list. Of course, this was long before the smartphone changed everything. Heck, I am even talking pre-cable TV and remote controls. Can you imagine our kids living through such a time?

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Pretty Darn Gets “Casual”: Behind the scenes of a cinematic showcase of island talent

Pretty Darn Gets “Casual”: Behind the scenes of a cinematic showcase of island talent

Were it not for the cameras, it could be mistaken for any other night on Hilton Head Island. While locals and tourists milled about the long dock at the end of Simmons Road, drinks from Up the Creek Pub in hand, the first tendrils of sunset streaked pink against the sky’s lustrous orange tint. Broad Creek sparkled in its brilliance. A heron warily eyed the outgoing tide, preying on the minnows that darted between waves.

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Editor’s Note: July 2021

Editor’s Note: July 2021

Hunter and I ran into Lori Smith, a former CH2 Bachelorette nominee, at Target last week. After some quick chit-chat, our conversation turned to how liberated we all felt walking into Target without masks. I commented that perhaps tough things needed to happen every now and again to make everyone appreciate how fortunate we really are.

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