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Feb 1, 2022

Hear Well Again: Rose Hearing Healthcare Centers offers two pathways to better hearing.

Barry Kaufman

Photography By

M.KAT Photography
It was supposed to be just another day at the office for Steve Krehbiel. A 35-year veteran of the hearing aid industry, he had spent the last 15 or so in the Lowcountry. Before that, he’d amassed a reputation within the business, based on the strength of a 20-year stint in Roanoke, Virginia, building one practice into nine offices.

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From left to Right: Randy Rose, Bitsy Pfeiffer, Caryn Rose, Rebekah Campbell and Steve Krehbiel

Seeking a warmer climate, he’d made his way south to Bluffton and began working as a dealer for one brand of hearing aids. And then a client came into his office and changed everything. 

“This guy walked in and asked if I knew who he was. I said, ‘Yes of course. You are Randy Rose of Rose Hearing Healthcare Centers.” Rose asked if Krehbiel had a moment, and they discussed the hearing industry. Krehbiel said Rose convinced him that a multi-line non-franchise hearing aid center would be a better way to go, and with his talent and expertise, Rose Hearing would be a great fit.

“I didn’t feel like I was helping people here in Bluffton the right way,” Krehbiel said. “I was selling one type of hearing aid and was quite successful, but I was limited in who I could see because of price concerns…. When I looked at what Randy was doing, I was shocked at the fair pricing and the variety of products they offered.”

And while fair pricing has long been a hallmark of Rose Hearing Healthcare Centers, it’s not just about dollars and cents. At both the Hilton Head Island and Bluffton locations, the focus is on your hearing needs, finding the solution that works best for you. Whether you’re suffering from tinnitus, starting to lose conversations in noisy restaurants, noticing speech difficulties from hearing or simply want to get a little more clarity to your hearing, they have the equipment and expertise to make it happen for you.

“We have so many different varieties, from the highest tech lithium-ion models to simple battery-operated devices,” Krehbiel said. “It’s highly unlikely someone is going to walk away from here without finding what they want. We have literally everything available.” 

This variety demands a little extra floorspace, which anyone can see who drives by the massive Bluffton location at Berkeley Place, “where the movies are.”

“It’s a huge office—one of the biggest I’ve ever worked in,” Krehbiel said. “I joke sometimes that we need to get a Segway in here just to get around.”

And with that variety comes the trust that you are putting your hearing in the care of an institution built on fair pricing, extraordinary selection and hands-on service from the most capable professionals in the area.

“Having done this for 35 years now, the last three with Randy, I just wish we would have gotten together sooner,” Krehbiel said.

Rose Hearing Healthcare Centers are located in Main Street Village on Hilton Head Island and at Berkeley Place in Bluffton. Visit to learn more.

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