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Dec 26, 2024

Editor’s Note: How Badly Do You Want It?

Maggie Washo

Photography By

Special to CH2/CB2 Magazine (Celebrate Hilton Head)
May you have better luck with your resolutions, my friends. Happy New Year!  

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I’ve been thinking about resolutions, because I guess that’s what we’re supposed to be doing this time of year. I went to a holiday party last week and there was a form to be filled out asking goal-oriented questions for 2025. I grabbed one, with all intentions of filling it out … but then I got distracted by the people, the conversations, and the martinis. 

That piece of paper ended up in my pocket and now I can’t even find it. 

It’s sort of fitting – and how most of my resolutions go. My goals tend to come at me when things need changing, and for me, that doesn’t usually coincide with January 1. For example, the “lose 10 pounds” one usually hits around the first week of March, when it’s time to show skin again. The “save more money” one rears its ugly head when all of a sudden there is an unforeseen expenditure. 

I’ve never resolved to make my bed every day, because it just seems such a waste of time and energy. I have only so many hours in a day, and I would rather spend that extra time on a walk with a dog – or enjoying time with a friend. 

“Learn to play an instrument” has been on my (somewhat imaginary) list for a while now, but logically I think about the return on investment. I have no plans to be a famous musician at this age – and what would really be the point? Actually, I do know the point. I want to be able to stroll up to a baby grand in a fancy hotel lobby and start playing “Clair de Lune” by Debussy so everyone can slowly turn their heads in amazement. Of course, everyone erupts into applause and my work there is done. 

Realistically though, how many hours would I have to practice to master this song? Hours that could be spent walking in the forest preserve with some cute doodle friend of mine, hours that could be spent honing my photography skills and video editing (the things that pay the bills), or time spent with family, friends, and clients just connecting. And all for a 60-second round of applause from people I don’t know in a hotel that exists only in my mind. 


I did however buy a ukelele at John’s Music last month. Maybe that would be easier to learn. 

May you have better luck with your resolutions, my friends. Happy New Year!  

Maggie Washo, Publisher/Editor-in-Chief

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