“For the life of me I couldn’t remember what the sum of nine times six was. I panicked and thought, I am turning into my mother – because certainly she doesn’t recall that she tells the same POA story at every family dinner.”
CH2’s Most Adorable Pet Submissions
Thanks to everyone who took the time to send in your pet’s photo this year. Here are a few that we could squeeze into this issue… Check out CH2’s Facebook page for the complete album of submitted furbabies!
A Line in the Sand: Be Curious…Or Be Lucky.
“Good or bad, luck is basically just the ability to defy the odds.”
Big Fish Brings Big Heart to the HHCA Stage
In addition to the onstage and backstage efforts, HHCA’s fine arts program fosters student growth through mentorship and experiential learning.
A Line In The Sand
I grew up in the 1980s. Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” war on drugs was ever-present.
Something Rotten!
Arts Center opens ’24-’25 season with hilarious musical
A Line In The Sand: Courtney & Barry’s Advice to Their Younger Selves
Don’t do things you don’t want to do. Don’t change for anyone. Create your own plan. Develop your own schedule. It doesn’t matter what other people are doing, let them.
A Line In the Sand: Man Vs. Bear
For the uninitiated, the debate originated where all divisive and pointless arguments start – on the internet. In it, people air their views on which option they’d prefer to wander into while lost in the forest – a man or a bear.
A Line in the Sand: To Regret or Not to Regret, That Is the Question.
3rd Opinion: “I’d rather regret the things i’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done.”-Lucille Ball
A Line in the Sand
If a sandal is a shoe, then why wouldn’t we just call them “convertible shoes?” Or call cowboy boots “shoes for people who watch Yellowstone,” slippers “unemployment shoes”? and Crocs “ugly rubber shoes”?
A Day at the Moooovies: Artwork at The Ice Cream Cone at Coligny Doubles the Scoop on Fun
And cows, as anyone who has ever read “The Far Side” can tell you, are the animal kingdom’s most perfect punchline.
A Line in the Sand: Courtney’s Opinion & Barry’s Opinion
USCB has policies that are quite explicit about what can happen if a student uses others’ work – including AI – on course assignments. The AI-generated work belongs to the AI, not to the student.
Birth of a Stage Company Leads to Rebirth of an Island Landmark
Our Mission Statement: To celebrate the power of performing arts by creating a space where passionate, talented artists in our community and surrounding regions come together to bring stories to life.
A Line in the Sand
Immediately the world lost its collective mind, because deep down inside we’re all still in high school. When we see the popular girl and the one jock with a personality finally get together, we start whispering in the hallways and passing notes about it in homeroom.
Savannah Food Crawls With Jesse Blanco
And speaking of Christmas, this book would make an excellent Christmas gift for anyone you know who enjoys visiting Savannah or will be visiting Savannah sometime soon.
A Dad Grows Up
It’s a question I get asked all the time. What does it take to be a dad? The people asking me this question are all hypothetical, and in fact may be figments of my imagination, but it does...
The Modern Male’s Guide to Non-Toxic Masculinity
Take a knee, boys. We’re showing you how today’s gentledude gets by in a world that’s kind of over the whole macho schtick.