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Meet the Media: More than Just Talking Heads

Meet the Media: More than Just Talking Heads

In print, online and in living color, these are the media movers and shakers who keep the Lowcountry informed and entertained.

You invite them into your homes every day. You see their names on a byline or on a chyron running across the bottom of your TV screen, or hear them on your radio. But how well do you really know them? After all, by the nature of their job, they tend to take second billing to the story they’re trying to tell. Who they are is, by design, secondary to what they have to say.

If only for this month, we’re making the medium the message. These are the journalists and personalities who keep you in the loop on Lowcountry happenings big and small. In an era where the media has gotten a bad rap, it seems the perfect time for you to get to know our local media a little better.

Editor’s Note: April 2021

Editor’s Note: April 2021

It’s all about the PEOPLE. As I flipped through this issue, remembering all of the places we traveled in the last three weeks to put this issue together, I was struck by the number of faces in this April edition. C2 has always focused primarily on the people behind...

Keeping Up Tradition: Conservation, fun, and family set Native Son Adventures apart

Keeping Up Tradition: Conservation, fun, and family set Native Son Adventures apart

At age 18, Sewell began spending four to eight months a year surfing, diving, and fishing the waters of Central America, New Zealand,
Australia, and the French Polynesian outer islands. Learning new and different techniques, embracing different cultures and getting priceless “time in the field,” he was then—and still is today—on the search for perfect waves, undiscovered fishing spots, and adventure.