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Dec 30, 2022

5 Ways You’re Getting Healthy This Year

Barry Kaufman

Photography By

Two Lights, One Stand
Ready to commit to your health this year? Bluffton Pharmacy’s Rob Vaughn has just what you’re looking for.

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Okay. For real. This is the year. Last year you said you were going to start taking care of yourself, eating right, moving more and giving serious thought to your health. And if you’re like most of us, you made it until about March before those unhealthy habits started kicking back in.

The problem is, it’s hard to find everything you need to keep that healthy lifestyle going in one place. You get your supplements from one place, your medications from another and the knowledge to use them correctly from somewhere else (probably the internet, which as we all know is just chockful of misinformation).

If there is such a thing as a one-stop shop for your health needs, it has to be Bluffton Pharmacy. Since opening its doors 35 years ago, this hometown pharmacy has stayed on the leading edge of health, broadening its offerings from prescriptions to compounds to preventatives.

Today, under the leadership of Rob Vaughn, Bluffton Pharmacy is so much more than just a drugstore. It’s the essential first step in your road to better health this year. We asked Vaughn to give us his top five ways to improve your health this year:

Discover the merits of CBD. “CBD has come a long way! Aside from what you’d normally expect from a CBD product and its natural pain-relieving qualities, there are many products that help in a variety of ways,” Vaughn said. On the shelves at Bluffton Pharmacy, you’ll find an array of CBD offerings that run the gamut—ones infused with melatonin to help get your sleep pattern back on track; with turmeric to help joints recover after that round of golf, tennis or pickleball; or with menthol to soothe deep-muscle pain. We also have a very educated staff that can provide answers to all of your questions about CBD.”

New in town? We have just the thing for those allergies.

In case you haven’t heard, the Lowcountry has picked up quite a few neighbors in the past few years. With people flocking to our area from the snowy climes of the Northeast and Midwest, our new arrivals may be having a difficult time adjusting to that pollen-dusted air. Fortunately, that pollen brings bees. And those bees produce powerful honey.

“One of the best and most natural ways to help get your body acclimated to a new environment is with local honey,” Vaughn said, pointing to the array of local goods on the shelf. “Just a teaspoonful every day can go a long way to help build up your immune system to regional allergens.”

Take your vitamins. Proper nutrition needs to be the cornerstone of any New Year’s resolution to better your health. Not only is Bluffton Pharmacy stocked with an extraordinary selection of vitamins and supplements, but they have ensured that only the best reach their customers.

“Good vitamins and supplements are key to making sure you’re giving your body everything it needs to function at its best. You truly get what you pay for when it comes to vitamins and supplements, so it’s important to know you’re getting a good product,” Vaughn said. “At Bluffton Pharmacy, we highlight Nature’s Truth because they are one of the few companies that make their own products and don’t farm them out to the lowest bidders.”

Truly customized medicine. Even in the pharmaceutical world, where there is seemingly a pill or medication for every ailment, there is no one-size-fits-all. The medication that works wonders for one person might accomplish little more than a sugar pill for others, or worse, carry serious side effects. So, ensuring your medications are truly customized to your needs is paramount. 

“At Bluffton Pharmacy, we have the capability to create custom compounded prescription medication that is tailored to the individual based on data received from the prescribing physician,” Vaughn said. “Customizing prescriptions to the individual ensures that they are getting exactly what they need, specifically for them. This ability allows us to help you recover more quickly, perform better, and feel better faster.”

Educate yourself. Before you can take care of the body, you must make sure the mind knows what it’s doing. 

“If you want to stay healthy in the new year, understanding your health and medication is important. We at Bluffton Pharmacy make it a point to be available to discuss concerns or questions surrounding your health and medicine. Yes, even if you don’t fill your prescriptions with us, we encourage you to call if you have a concern or question. We have a knowledgeable staff and have the ability to give you the attention you need.”

And this is something that, above all else, sets Bluffton Pharmacy apart. The big chain pharmacies simply don’t have the time to answer your vital questions, much less the kind of deep knowledge that Bluffton Pharmacy’s staff has amassed over the years. If you’re serious about making this year the year that you finally put your health first, they should be your first stop. Put simply, Vaughn said, “We’re here to help.”  

Stop by Bluffton Pharmacy at 167 Bluffton Rd B, call (843) 757-4999 or visit and start your healthy new year off right.

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