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Oct 29, 2021

Take a Fresh Look at Your Kitchen: Think a brand-new kitchen is impossible on a budget? You just need to N-Hance your thinking.

Barry Kaufman

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Before You and your kitchen have been through a lot together these past couple of years. You’ve tried your hand at sourdough. You’ve made more banana bread than anyone could eat in a lifetime. You’ve made your “nacho table,” even if you immediately regretted it (melted cheese, it turns out, is hard to clean up). […]

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You and your kitchen have been through a lot together these past couple of years. You’ve tried your hand at sourdough. You’ve made more banana bread than anyone could eat in a lifetime. You’ve made your “nacho table,” even if you immediately regretted it (melted cheese, it turns out, is hard to clean up).

You’ve probably spent more time in your kitchen lately than you ever have before. And if there’s one lesson we’ve all learned from the past couple of years, it’s that familiarity breeds contempt. Now, having been confined to your kitchen for so long, all you see is a collection of dated cabinets and faded countertops.

But having blown all your stimulus money on a Jet Ski (or, if you’re boring, food and shelter), is this really the time for a full-blown refresh on your kitchen? Especially now, when contractors are about as easy to find as leprechauns and unicorns (and roughly as expensive)?

To put it bluntly, yes. It’s the perfect time for a kitchen refresh. Because it doesn’t cost as much as you think, and the company that can deliver it for you has a 10-year track record of satisfied customers.

Andrew Ambler launched N-Hance locally a decade ago, starting with the simple premise that a kitchen remodel doesn’t need to be costly and take months. “It’s professional cabinet refacing from beginning to end, and I have guys who have been with me since the beginning,” he said.

Transforming hundreds of kitchens every year, the team at N-Hance narrows in on the key factors that make a huge difference in a kitchen. Simply want to change the colors of your existing cabinets? Their refinishing is a breeze. Need something a little more? Just swap out cabinet doors, hardware and finishes. With the team at N-Hance, you have a decade of experience creating fabulous kitchens at your disposal.

“Ten years ago, people still liked a stained, wood-toned cabinet. That’s really changed to where about 95 percent of what we do now is a painted cabinet,” Ambler said, pointing out just one of the many ways kitchens have changed since he started. He also points out the rising popularity of a total reface, replacing arched or raised panel cabinet doors with shaker or recessed paneled doors.


As you may have guessed, Ambler is a little obsessed with staying on top of the latest styles. “I’m a little neurotic,” he said with a laugh. But the results speak for themselves. Each kitchen N-Hance touches is transformed into something incredible, with just a few precisely applied changes creating the maximum effect. For you, it means the look and feel of a completely renovated kitchen without the weeks spent preparing meals on a hotplate in the living room.

“We’re in your home and out of there in three to five days,” Ambler said. “We don’t want to displace you. We want it to be completely seamless.”

It also means you can rest easy knowing you’ve spent your money wisely, preserving what worked in your kitchen while enhancing everything else. And you won’t have to worry about the usual “waiting for the other shoe to drop” that can come with a full-blown renovation project. “When we give an estimate, we stick by that price,” Ambler said.

It means an easier, more cost-effective experience and a gorgeous new kitchen for you. For N-Hance, it has meant word of mouth that has carried the company through its first decade.

“We don’t overbook, we don’t overpromise,” Ambler said. “The main thing is doing a good job, standing by our work and always keeping to our schedule … that’s reflected in the referrals we have received over the past 10 years.”

For more information, visit or call (843) 715-8420 to schedule an estimate.

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