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Dec 29, 2023

Musicians in Bathrooms: Folderol with Davey Masteller, Candice Rae and James Berry

Celebrate Hilton Head Magazine

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Ooooooo they are like a classy band! C2 is getting fancy!

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What’s your sign?

DM: Virgo

CR: Taurus. Say what you will about astrology, but if food, wine, and music are my yearnings then it definitely has me pegged!

JB: Libra

Most underrated song that, in your opinion, should be a classic?

DM: One doesn’t hit me in particular.

CR: Taylor Swift’s “Love Story.” It honestly captures the “Romeo and Juliet” essence of young love and develops it both musically and lyrically to a place of happily ever afters–and I just adore it. 

JB: “Summer Highland Falls” by Billy Joel

Biggest compliment you’ve ever gotten from a fan?

DM: “I love you”

CR: That my music transported them to a place of love and made them feel like their heart was opened up. That’s how I feel each time I perform, so to be able to translate that feeling through song is such an amazing connection to make and experience.

JB: When someone says that the music lifted their spirits or made their day

Favorite piece to perform?

DM: It depends on the band I’m playing with and the style of music we’re playing.

CR: With this band, it’s so difficult to choose just one. For the moment, it’s a tie between “Black Hole Sun” and “Whole Lotta Love.” Both pieces bring such a surprise to the audience that we often get audible feedback like “Whoaaa!” or “No way!” It’s really gratifying to hear 

them singing along and becoming 

part of the show.

JB: “Rhapsody in Blue”

What do you sing in the shower?

DM: “Angel” by Shaggy

CR: Mostly opera, Whitney Houston,  or some combination of the two.

JB:  John Coltrane’s solo on “Giant Steps”

Favorite cereal?

DM: When I ate cereal, it was Cap’n Crunch

CR: I’m not big into cereal, but I do love me some cheesy grits!

JB: I don’t usually eat cereal, but probably Cheerios with some added fresh blueberries.

At what venue do you most like to perform?

DM: The Jazz Corner

CR: I’m partial to The Jazz Corner. The food, the ambiance, and the audience energy that they have are exceptional.

JB: The Jazz Corner or Roasting Room 

Most requested song at shows?

DM: I feel like we don’t really have a regularly requested song yet.

CR: I would say our Lady Gaga and Adele songs are at the top of the request list from people who have seen us perform previously.

JB:  Probably our version of “Royals,”  “Hello,” or “Black Hole Sun” 

 First concert you attended?

DM: Poison, their “Open Up and Say… Ahh!” tour at Savannah Civic Center

CR: Spice Girls, 1998. I was front row, center, with my seventh-grade best friend, Annalisa.

JB: First good one was Dave Matthews Band

Favorite artist?

DM: Radiohead

CR: Whitney Houston will always have my heart. And IeeeeeeIIIIIIIIIII will allll-ways love her!

JB: Stevie Wonder 

Place you go to get away from it all?

DM: Keuka Lake in Upstate New York

CR: St. John is my happy place. It has such a peaceful, natural beauty about it. My husband, Liam, and I were married there and it was absolutely magical.

JB: Anywhere with really good skiing 

Do you tweet, gram or book? What’s your handle?

DM: I mildly dabble in gram

CR: I may sound like a fossil, but I find it easier to connect with people through Facebook. Our band is on the gram @therealfolderol, Folderol on Facebook, and at

JB: @bearnotchstudios 

Who would star as you in the epic retelling of your life on film?

DM: Probably Noah Wyle from “ER” since I used to hear often that I looked like him. 

CR: I imagine Jennifer Lawrence would give a pretty honest interpretation. She snorts when she laughs too, so that helps.

JB: Mid ’80s Michael J. Fox 

First instrument you learned to play?

DM: Electric bass

CR: Violin, thanks to my grandfather. He was a terrific violinist, and lover of all things classical and Broadway.

JB: Violin 

Song you were thrilled to finally master?

DM: “YYZ” by Rush

CR: It was a real challenge for me to work outside the box on “Whole Lotta Love.” Led Zeppelin doesn’t lend itself too closely to my voice type. When we created the arrangement, we had so much fun, it ended up being one of my favorites.

JB: Chopin’s Ballade No. 4

What do you wish you knew more about?

DM: My father’s father

CR: Ha! What goes on inside my husband’s head! 

JB: The universe

What animal do you most identify with?

DM: My dog

CR: Probably a house cat, but with golden retriever tendencies toward people.

JB: A dolphin–who doesn’t like dolphins? 

If you got super famous and had to change your name, what would your new name be?

DM: Brandon Wells

CR: Honestly, I would probably keep my name. It’s unique as it is, and I would probably forget to answer to my new name anyway!

JB: 007

What famous musician would you love to sing a duet with?

DM: Matt Berninger from The National

CR: Stevie Wonder, for sure. Stevie, if you’re out there, holler! I’m your girl!

JB: Norah Jones

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