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Oct 6, 2020

Let Us Entertain You: Maggie and Jevon Doin’ Lowcountry Stuff

Linda Hopkins

Photography By

M.Kat Photography
It’s the odd couple meets 2020. it works, but it’s weird. You’ll definitely laugh a lot and you’ll for sure be confused, but so are we. at the same time you’ll also kinda love it and be craving more. are you sure you’re ready?

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On a suprisingly cool June Sunday in the Lowcountry, C2 magazine publisher/editor-in-chief Maggie Washo hopped in a white Honda CR-V with colorful local musician/entertainer Jevon Daly at the wheel. Armed with chicken necks, a net, a bucket, a tube of sunscreen and some water and snacks, the two headed towards a secret location to film a crabbing video for the magazine’s YouTube channel.

On the way, the dynamic duo filmed themselves in the car, fighting over the radio. What was meant to be a 60-second montage to introduce a new series of Lowcountry adventure videos turned into a 10-minute carpool karaoke-style clip that got over 1,000 hits on YouTube, “which is insane, because YouTube is hard,” Washo said.

The ensuing crabbing video became the first official episode of “Maggie and Jevon Doin’ Lowcountry Stuff” and is only the beginning of what promises to be an exciting virtual journey for C2 followers in the months to come. Ironically, neither Washo nor Daly had ever been crabbing before (Maggie read a book), lending just the right mix of humor and veracity to what might otherwise be a ho-hum how-to. Find out how many crabs they caught (and where) on C2’s YouTube channel and/or on the new Maggie and Jevon Facebook page.

The happy accident
According to Washo, the initial idea for the video series was spawned by an article published in the magazine this past May (Building a Virtual World). “It’s ironic that the article you wrote about people moving online for COVID-19 was the catalyst,” she said. “There was no live entertainment going on, and Jevon began doing Facebook Live concerts that were getting a lot of traction.”

“I think a lot of people around here think I’m some kind of social media wizard,” Daly said. “I do like to try to stick out. I like to start new projects and do different things. Besides being entertaining and different, I pride myself on staying in touch with people, so I called Maggie out of the blue.”

“He asked if we had ever done a ‘Facebook Live’ at CH2, which turned into a conversation about our Facebook page. I had three times the followers and little engagement, whereas he was getting thousands of views with every post. He said, ‘Let’s just go Live, tonight,” Washo recalled. “And I said, ‘And do what?’” [laughs].

After a brainstorming session about what they could do that might be interesting to people, their first Facebook Live, a co-interview with Daly & Washo produced at the CH2 office, attracted over 1,000 views. The next one got 2,000 views and over 300 coments on Jevon’s Facebook page alone, according to Washo. “I guess we have chemistry, and people like this. It’s like anything that happens by accident—moments that become things.”

“A lot of times what happens with me is that the happy accident will trump the initial idea,” Daly said. “I go in there to go crabbing with Maggie and come up with this local carpool karaoke—although it wasn’t really karaoke.”

Carpool karaoke was the first video the two released, and it continues to be popular. “Jevon is a musician, so it makes sense,” Washo said. “We plan to do it every so often. It will be a way for us to continue the music theme and a way to showcase local musicians who are writing and producing their own songs—artists who are actually trying to get new music out there.”

The business advantage
The COVID-19 pandemic has sent shockwaves through the world as we know it, changing just about every facet of how we live, from how we conduct business to how we entertain ourselves. Rather than fear the shift, Washo has chosen to embrace a new and progressive style of doing business.

“The ultimate goal is to engage our audience in a different way and help promote local businesses creatively,” Washo said. In addition to the YouTube series with Daly, Washo has been busy producing Facebook and Instagram stories as well as some hilarious TikTok videos that are getting rave reviews.

“People want to do business with people they know and like,” Washo said. Between the two of us, we probably know everybody here on Hilton Head and in Bluffton. People want to watch people they know and like. That’s why when we share our Mompreneurs photo album on Facebook (MomPreneurs was a special section in the September issues of CH2 & CB2 magazine), it’s shown to over 10,000 people with over 1000 engagements (likes, posts & clicks). I’m amazed at the kind of social media engagement we’ve been getting lately. I love it.”

“I kind of feel like CH2 could rest on its laurels and just be a magazine,” Daly said, “but Maggie has surprised me. It’s edgy. What is the C2 brand? It can also be this.”

“He’s the fun one. Most of the stuff you see is his idea. Just turn on the camera and he goes. It’s not preplanned, it comes out hilarious. He’s an entertainer,” Washo said.

“Sometimes you want to surprise yourself,” Daly said. “What I am expert in is getting reactions.”

Currently published “Maggie and Jevon” videos include the crabbing episode, a loggerhead turtle tracking adventure, and the now-famous carpool karaoke clip, featuring Washo car dancing with Daly egging her on in his signature sarcastic manner (you don’t want to miss it).

In November, Washo and Daly will be kickin’ up their heels with the cast of Kinky Boots at the Arts Center of Coastal Carolina. Future plans include a day trip to Daufuskie, a two-wheel adventure in search of the eight best burgers you can bike to on the beach, and much more.

Washo is quick to point out that the printed magazine will always be the crown jewel. The most frequent emails she gets, she said, are from people who say they picked the latest issue up at a doctor’s office or the grocery store or a local business and how much they enjoyed reading about Lowcountry people, the community, and the array of businesses and services available here. Adding more digital content is simply a way to enhance that coverage and extend the reach ch2hhimag, maggiewasho and @jevondaly on Instagram. “The magazine hits your mailbox once a month, but you can connect with the CH2 crew every day on social media,” she said.

“At the end of the day, what we want this to be is a resource for visitors and for locals on what to do in the Lowcountry,” Washo said. “New people are moving here every single day—especially now with COVID; people are moving here in droves. There is no better time to start introducing our new neighbors to all the amazing things there are to do here in the Lowcountry—whether it’s an oyster roast, or going crabbing, or the newest restaurant. From two people who grew up here, let us show you around the Lowcountry.”

Follow Maggie and Jevon on your favorite social media apps. Follow CH2 for all the latest Lowcountry happenings and just for the fun of it!

Maggie + Jevon’s Favorite Local Songs
In keeping with the theme of carpool karaoke, we decided to pick ten local songs that we love and write a short blurb on each.

I remember seeing John Cranford’s Facebook post promoting Taylor Kent’s latest single, “Don’t Say that You Love Me” a month or so ago and immediately downloading it on iTunes. Besides the fact that Kent’s voice is absolutely spellbinding, I adore the chorus. The best part of listening to a new song is making up your own version of what it means, right? I have an overactive imagination, so I had fun with this one.

Sara Burns’ “Gypsy” is a song about gypsies dancing. I love to dance, so of course I connected with this song. JK. It’s not really about gypsies dancing. Follow us on Facebook and YouTube for a clip of Burns explaining the meaning behind these lyrics and just go ahead and download the song. Her opening vocals are soothing and happy. I’ve heard her perform it live, and it’s even more amazing in person.

Cranford Hollow’s “She Gone” has been on my playlist for almost five years now—an oldie but a goodie. I love the way Cranford’s growly voice pairs with Ellowyn Kane’s light airy vocals on this tune. I think every man can relate to this song … why don’t they see the signs of their woman’s unhappiness until it’s too late and “she gone”?

“Lil Sumpin Sumpin” is a collab between Jevon Daly and Fred Capers, with production by the mighty talented Kyle Wareham. We’ve already talked about this … but I love to dance, and this song has a beat you can move to. The song was written by Daly after he saw Capers post a photo of shrimp & grits on social media with the caption, “I can do a little somethin’ in the kitchen.”

I just learned about Cameron Tate’s “We’re All the Same” from the songwriter himself when we photographed him for this issue at the Big Bamboo. The song’s message of solidarity resonated with me, especially given our current climate. I especially love the line, “Some are right, and some are wrong; some want to just belong…” because I identify with being right all the time.

My first pick is “Kitty Kat,” by Jos Vicars, my bandmate and spiritual advisor. This song has a lot of really cool elements, and it’s about his wifey Kat! The hook of a song is the big part that draws you in, and this hook is HUGE. Cool trombone and congas flesh out this meaty tune. Jos loves singing about the outdoors, and this tune really employs a lot of his greatest weapons, lyrically. Plus, the bass jams and the recording are superb.

The next tune I chose is the Pretty Darn banger, “Home Country,” written by Kyle and Nick. I have been to a few shows they have done and also performed the song with Kyle, and lemme tell you, most everyone in the crowd knew every word of this one. Kyle has a way with writing and really connecting with people. The vocals are soothing and romantic. There is a lot of drama here and, of course, another big hook. The recording is lush, too, which always helps.

“Can’t Wait” is a really groovy song sung by Derrick and Groove Town Assault, featuring Cory Brodsky rappin’(we miss you, bro). The chorus is great, and Sammy is funky on the bass. This is one of the best songs to ever come out of the HHI music scene, in my opinion. I’ve stayed up past my bedtime a lot on HHI. This song kinda gives me those feels. Good job, guys; play this one next time I see you!

Zack Stiltner is our local diamond in the rough. The dude can write his tail off and continues putting stuff out every year. “Too Much Time to Kill” is classic Zack. Verses are chockful of great lines about love and hangin’ out with that special person. He can just flat out write a song. Hit him up on Instagram. Hell, hit up everyone in this little article!

For my last song, I chose one by Andy Pitts, my friend. “Powerlines” is a heavy song with words that cut pretty deep. Andy is an introspective writer with a soft voice and stark message. Musically, his songs deliver too, with different patterns than you usually hear in the country/folk circles. Andy’s music kinda flies under the radar locally and deserves a listen. So, get going; check out his songs by searching for Lowcountry Boil bluegrass band.

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