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Nov 28, 2024

Healthy at Home

Barry Kaufman

Photography By

Special to CH2/CB2 Magazine (celebratehiltonhead)
Mobile Concierge Care brings skilled care and full-service home care to the people

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Most of us have been there at one point or another – you’re sick, feeling miserable, and, to make matters worse, you have to get in the car, drive across town, and spend hours in a waiting room before you can be seen. All this as if you weren’t feeling terrible enough.

The alternative, of course, is concierge care. As this model of healthcare emerged over the past few decades, bringing back the classic image of doctors making house calls, it offered an entirely new approach to healthcare. However, it quickly became clear that the heavy subscription fees made concierge care inaccessible for most. 

For many of us, those fees were simply too great a cost to bear. So, back to the waiting room we went.

But a new model of healthcare has now emerged, a banner being raised by Kamal Patel, MD and Christyn Gialanella, RN, MSN, CMC. Their practice is called Mobile Concierge Care.

“Our focus is offering modern, convenient, and accessible medical care with no memberships,” Gialanella said. “What we have done is made concierge care accessible for people who want that level of care but don’t want to have to pay for a membership.”

Freed from the burden of yet another subscription to pay for, patients can schedule a visit from Mobile Concierge Care to their home, office, or vacation rental for urgent care, aesthetics, and even IV therapy.

“We wanted to offer white glove concierge-level care,” Patel said. “It’s important for patients to feel cared for, but they shouldn’t have to pay a monthly fee for that convenience.”

That level of care draws from the wealth of experience both principals bring to the practice. Growing up in a small town where the local doctor still made house calls, Patel carried that ethos of personalized care through his residency and a 15-year career as a family physician at a large practice. Finding the traditional model at odds with his patient-centric approach, he founded Lotus Health and then Mobile Concierge Care with Gialanella. 

A master’s-prepared registered nurse and certified case manager, Gialanella also founded the concierge care management practice Serenoa with a focus on senior health and advocacy.

Together, they are presenting an exciting new model in healthcare, one that offers the convenience of concierge care without the sticker shock of a membership fee. 

“Not accepting insurance gives us the freedom to accommodate patient needs, and it gives our patients the opportunity to know up front what the visit is going to cost,” Gialanella said. “There’s no trying to get through insurance loopholes and no surprise bills.”

A new model of healthcare has now emerged, a banner being raised by Kamal Patel, MD and Christyn Gialanella, RN, MSN, CMC. Their practice is called Mobile Concierge Care.

Beyond the financial peace of mind, patients benefit from the owners’ philosophy of offering “Proactive healthcare without cutting corners and an emphasis on health and wellness.”

“Our vision was to hire skilled practitioners so we can offer a real standard of quality and respect for the patient,” Patel said. “If there’s a need for an antibiotic, for example, we can offer that, but we like to empower our patients with education and healthier alternatives when possible.”

That applies not only to the urgent care services they offer, but also their aesthetic offerings. As an alternative to Botox, they offer Xeomin, which eschews many of the additives that Botox carries. And everything, from their chemical peels to collagen induction therapy and wellness IVs, revolves around that central pillar of health. Their mobile IV therapies have proven to be incredibly popular. “We just had a big weekend doing IVs for a wedding party,” Gialanella said. “This blend we offer, of urgent care, aesthetics, and IV therapies, has really struck a chord with the community, and we are grateful for the support.”

And to think, you can have that level of treatment without the subscription fees and without leaving your house. If this is the medicine of the future, count us in.

Visit to see the full range of treatments and to book a visit.  

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