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Sep 29, 2023

Getting Cheeky With the Leading Ladies of A Sweeter Seat

Lilli Serral

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A Sweeter Seat is a business that’s rooted in hard work, creativity, and of course, a stellar team.

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When it comes to running a business, there are many hats to be worn. From branding and marketing to product development and more, it can be a lot to handle. Like most things in life, however, the challenges of owning a business are balanced by moments and milestones that can only be described as … sweet. This is the case with Lesli Bohm and Gioia DiBartolomeo of A Sweeter Seat, whose signature product is a chic accessory dedicated to upgrading your seat, wherever that may be.

Gioia DiBartolomeo and Leslie Bohm  invite you to enjoy a Sweeter Seat. 

A Sweeter Seat’s signature product can best be described as a small towel that’s portable, multifunctional, and stylish all at once. It’s meant to be kept in places like your purse, car, golf cart, or diaper bag and used whenever and wherever it’s needed, which is usually underneath you. Keep one or more of these handmade mini towels handy and unroll it on a barstool, sandy bench, car seat, or hot outdoor furniture. It’s nearly impossible to describe every use for A Sweeter Seat’s towels, but Bohm and DiBartolomeo have compiled quite the list over the past few years.

There are actually three bright minds behind A Sweeter Seat. Before moving to Hilton Head Island, Bohm called Chicago home. There she met Jenny Ratliff, a Chicago native and talented crafter with a background in the service industry. The two eventually relocated to the Lowcountry and, along with DiBartolomeo, brought A Sweeter Seat to life in 2021. Each of the three partners brings her own strengths to the table, which is just one reason why the leading ladies of A Sweeter Seat work so well together. Even though Ratliff no longer lives in the area, she remains a partner and was integral in getting A Sweeter Seat off the ground.

DiBartolomeo, a Hilton Head Island native and all-around creative gal, spent time during college in Verona, Italy, where she studied pattern making and cultivated an interest in fashion. Her passion for sewing became a common thread with Bohm, whose mother gifted her a sewing machine and taught her the basics. 

Keep one or more of these handmade mini towels handy and unroll it on a barstool, car seat, or hot outdoor furntiure in summer. 

In addition to her interest in sewing, Bohm’s background in the food and beverage industry brought the idea for A Sweeter Seat to life. “I had the idea in my head for a while, but working in that industry constantly reminded me how uncomfortable bar and restaurant seating can be–especially in the heat!” she said.

Once the initial idea was solidified and the team had been assembled, the girls got straight to work. Making the brand a reality motivated them just as much as they motivated each other, and together they sourced fabric, sewed, developed prototypes, built a website, and sewed some more. Developing a specific brand aesthetic and logo was something they put a good deal of thought into, and the result is equally playful, relatable, and sweet.

The homepage of features a peachy-pink and white color scheme, a fun welcome video, and a cheeky (pun intended) writeup explaining the brand and its roots. The introductory message gives readers a warm welcome before advising them to “protect their peaches” by bringing A Sweeter Seat towel with them wherever they go. Their Instagram page (@asweeterseat) exudes the same personality and voice. The tagline “You deserve A Sweeter Seat!” is one of the first things you’ll see, followed by a grid of posts showing their handmade products in action. The photos capture people using their towels on bar stools, on boats, in the grass, while traveling, and more. A Sweeter Seat’s social media only makes it more evident that their mini towels can be utilized in infinite ways and places.

A Sweeter Seat is a business that’s rooted in hard work, creativity, and of course, a stellar team. Bohm and DiBartolomeo are quick to recognize each other’s talents and know that they both have their own strengths. For DiBartolomeo, it’s her constant stream of ideas and a fresh perspective. “Gioia is always inspired to create something unique and genuine. She has new ideas every day,” Bohm said.

Bohm, on the other hand, excels in the organization and motivation realm. “She really keeps everyone on the same page. We have a lot of fun and we’ve learned so much together,” DiBartolomeo said.

It’s not all business at A Sweeter Seat, and that’s because these ladies love incorporating fun into their work. Perhaps the most notable example is the product itself. The towels are available in just about every color, print, and pattern under the sun. From stripes and floral prints to dancing cats and everything in between, there’s A Sweeter Seat towel to make anyone smile. Take the fun up another notch by toting a towel with a print that’s covered in Christmas trees, patriotic stars, or even your favorite team logo.

Though they like to have fun, the women of A Sweeter Seat didn’t get where they are by flying by the seat of their pants. They have put an incredible amount of time and hard work into their business. Though challenges and roadblocks have presented themselves over the past three years, they have leaned on each other and learned from difficult experiences. 

Bohm and DiBartolomeo agree that when it comes to doing business together, communication is key. “It’s so helpful to be on the same page,” Bohm said. She also emphasizes how important it is to make each experience meaningful, whether it’s good or bad. “There will be trials. Celebrate success and learn from mistakes,” she added.

For now, most of A Sweeter Seat’s towels are sold online at Their online inventory is extensive and includes a range of prints and sizes. You can also find A Sweeter Seat in a few local establishments or, since they usually carry a few wherever they go, buy one from Bohm or DiBartolomeo if you see them out and about. As for the future of this small biz? It’s looking pretty sweet.  

Article by Lilli Serral

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