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Maggie Washo, Editor-in-Chief

Oct 1, 2006

Editor’s Note: October 2006

Maggie Washo

Photography By

We’re looking for a few good men…SINGLE men. And guys, ahem, gentlemen, if you have to ask someone whether you’re “technically” single- you’re not! We invite you to submit your photo and participate in Celebrate Hilton Head’s Bachelor of the Year contest. It has long been a complaint of my single friends that there are […]

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We’re looking for a few good men…SINGLE men. And guys, ahem, gentlemen, if you have to ask someone whether you’re “technically” single- you’re not! We invite you to submit your photo and participate in Celebrate Hilton Head’s Bachelor of the Year contest.

It has long been a complaint of my single friends that there are no eligible bachelors on this small island. I disagree. There are good men everywhere- you just have to step outside of your own little world to find them. It’s a pretty good guess that you won’t find eligible bachelors checking out the latest in shoe fashion at Saks, spending a “Me” day at the Spa or sitting in your living room watching you eat ice cream and sulk over Sex & the City reruns. Call me crazy!

Try going to a local baseball game at Barker Field (HHI) or Shultz Park (Bluffton). You might just learn a thing or two about the game while you admire the uniforms placed strategically around the diamond…the baseball diamond that is. Another way to meet new people is to volunteer for charities. A philanthropic man is always an eligible bachelor in my book. October is a great month for community events (wonderful place to meet locals!) on Hilton Head Island, so be sure to stop by Honey Horn Plantation for the Fall Festival (page 16) and the Chili Cook-Off (page 32). In fact, I think the brave men of the local Fire Department may make an appearance at one of these events…

If you think this requires a lot of work on your part, I have good news for you. In December, look no further than the latest issue of Celebrate Hilton Head for a large selection of eligible bachelors. Readers, we’ll be calling on you to decide on our 2007 Bachelor of the Year – whose face will grace the cover of our January issue.

So gentlemen, submit your nominations today (see pages 22 & 29). We want to tell your story – why you love living here, what you do for fun and work, what causes you believe in and why you are still a bachelor. Our winner will receive cash, prizes and most assuredly – a lot of attention.

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