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Maggie Washo with her Bernese Mountain Dog, Lucy

Feb 2, 2020

Editor’s Note: February 2020

Celebrate Hilton Head Magazine

Photography By

This issue covers three of my favorite topics: pets, Star Wars, and an ode to the single life. It’s a love letter to myself. Just kidding. But not kidding.

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This issue covers three of my favorite topics: pets, Star Wars, and an ode to the single life. It’s a love letter to myself. Just kidding. But not kidding.

For over 10 years, we have devoted several pages in the February issue to Lowcountry pets, and this year is no different. We kick off this special section with your photos of your pets, submitted to us by our readers this time every year.

Looking at photos of animals has to be one of the simplest pleasures in life. How many times have you been trying to do something productive online and gotten distracted by a funny cat video, a photo of a puppy and a baby sleeping together, or an article about a heroic firefighter giving a thirsty koala a drink from a water bottle? An hour goes by, and now you’re all weepy watching your fifteenth video by The Dodo, where some deer gets rescued from a barbed wire fence by a kind runner. Or is that just me?

Palmetto Animal League (PAL) and Hilton Head Humane Association (HHHA) have been connecting humans and animals in the Lowcountry for many years, and we give both organizations a shout out in this issue. For a heartwarming story about a little girl who got her Christmas wish in the way of kitten from PAL, check out page 73.

Do you have a heart for volunteering? You may be surprised at all of the ways your talents could be helpful to our local pet shelters. Check out Barry Kaufman’s article highlighting some of HHHA’s volunteers— who we paired with adoptable pets for the photoshoot.

If you don’t have several Baby Yoda (“the child” is actually the appropriate moniker) memes popping up in your social media feed every day, you aren’t actually wasting time on social media. As a lifelong Star Wars fan, I eagerly anticipated the arrival of The Mandalorian on Disney + and was not disappointed. “This is the Way” has become the “May the Force be with You” catchphrase of a new generation, and this is the way (page 28) to an interview with Emily Swallow, who plays The Armorer in Disney’s newest hit show. Iain Denholm chats with her about the perks of playing a masked character, the initial secrecy involved in the project, and her reoccurring roles on Supernatural and Seal Team.

A big section of our magazine is dedicated to the single life. We interviewed local singles about where to take a first date, how dating has changed in the digital age, and what sort of traits and characteristics are deal-breakers for them. Mandy Matney regales us with stories about online dating in the age of millennials, and Becca Edwards shares tips on life after the death of a spouse. Our resident financial writer, Kent Thune, gives tips on money management (specifically for singles), and Linda Hopkins chats with Danielle Daily about her “Suddenly Single” podcast.

Lastly, if you want to get that pearly white, straight smile you see in all those fashion magazines (without photoshop), head on over to our Meet the Dentists special section on page 91. Whether you are in search of a better smile, a root canal, or just a regular cleaning, these local professionals and community members are ready to help.

Have a wonderful month!


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