Maggie Washo
Publisher / Editor-in-Chief
P: 843.816.6247
E: maggie@ch2cb2magazine.com
Contact Maggie If:
- You have something positive to say about CH2.
- You want to complain about something you read in CH2.
- You have a press release.
- You have a story idea!
- You are a LOCAL freelance writer and are looking to share your brilliance with wordplay in CH2.
- You are 6’2, tall, dark and handsome with bright blue eyes. A passion for fishing is a plus, but not a requirement.
The Sales Team
Contact the Sales Team if:
You would like to advertise in CH2 and CB2! You are an existing advertiser and would like to take out a BIGGER ad. You are an existing advertiser and would like to take out a SMALLER ad. You are a head hunter and want to steal the best damn sales staff on this side of the Mason Dixon Line! ( We dare you!)