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Mar 26, 2021

CHS Pressure Washing & Window Cleaning

Celebrate Hilton Head Magazine

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More than a tagline or promotional copy, there’s a story behind the headline of a kid who learned organization from military parents and grew up on his dad’s job sites, seeing firsthand how a good business is run and how to get the job done. Varnes’ dad (re-)started out with an entry level retail position […]

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More than a tagline or promotional copy, there’s a story behind the headline of a kid who learned organization from military parents and grew up on his dad’s job sites, seeing firsthand how a good business is run and how to get the job done. Varnes’ dad (re-)started out with an entry level retail position after the military, opened a landscaping business “on the side” that expanded enough to sell. He went on to build a land-clearing business that prospered and sold and now builds and sells homes.

Jimmy Varnes is following in those footsteps, having acquired Coastal Cleaning Services at just 18 years old and turning it into what is now CHS Clean — a division of Coastal Homes and Sunrooms, LLC.

“It was my first job,” Varnes said. He was 14 years old, and it was a summer gig. After investing and excelling for four years, he was offered the cleaning side of the business and became a young entrepreneur with a well-developed client list and solid business reputation. Today, the business is a prosperous full-service exterior cleaning company, operating in the Lowcountry for more than 15 years.

The full range of services and products featured in detail on their website includes commercial and residential pressure washing, concrete surface, window and roof cleaning, and mold and algae removal. That last one sends shivers down coastal spines, so if you’ve just relocated from the north or the dry, dry west, pro tip: you’re going to want to call Jimmy Varnes. With standard power washing ranging once a year here versus every three years in other areas, Varnes said, “We love making our surrounding community clean and beautiful.”

The secret to this clean and beautiful success can be traced back, in part, to his childhood-ingrained work ethic and to his growing family. “I’m really doing this for my kids,” he said, whether that means putting a roof over their heads or leaving them a legacy of businesses to take over if they so desire. A rooted regional family with three sons and a girl on the way, Varnes quipped, “We’re currently receiving shipments of bows.”

Above and beyond that is the knowledge that, “unless the Lord builds…[we] labor in vain.” (Psalm 127:1) Varnes’ personal commitment to faith and purpose feeds every element of business from drive and integrity to relational care of customers. “I don’t find satisfaction in money but in glorifying God,” he said. “To God alone be the glory.”
On top of purpose and legacy, Varnes is also building more than one business. He’s got other undertakings in the works like a full-time retail nursery set to open in June 2021 (LowCo Gardeners in Beaufort). Like his dad, he’s expanding his umbrella of local businesses in the hopes of serving people and changing the very “landscape” of the local community.

All that while still maintaining a five-star rating. Dad would be proud, and the Lowcountry is better (and cleaner) for it. 

For more information, visit or call (843) 522-3331.

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