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Mar 31, 2022

Breathe Easy:” With whole-home spring (air) cleaning from Air Duct SE

Amy Bartlett

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It’s pollen season. It’s everywhere. It’s on and in everything. Porches and cars are covered. Allergy meds are making a comeback. You can feel it in your eyes, your throat, your lungs. And so can your house. Just like your respiratory systems, your residential and commercial air ducts are like the lungs of your HVAC […]

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It’s pollen season. It’s everywhere. It’s on and in everything. Porches and cars are covered. Allergy meds are making a comeback. You can feel it in your eyes, your throat, your lungs. And so can your house.

Just like your respiratory systems, your residential and commercial air ducts are like the lungs of your HVAC system, your dryer vents like your sinuses, and especially in the spring, in the South, your systems need care.

This is something Chris Donelson, owner and operator of Air Duct SouthEast, LLC, learned firsthand a few years ago. “I was using Afrin about five to seven times a day. I had never had allergies until I moved back to the South from California. I was getting sick—and sick of it. I started seeing Dr. Maurer entirely too much (great ENT, by the way). He cleaned out my nose ducts and I could breathe again! I knew then and there that I had to help others breathe easier in whatever way I could.”

Breathe easier and rest easier as well, with dependability and affordability. Donelson isn’t an ENT Dr., but he did become an Air Duct Dr.—the former name of Air Duct SE (“Everything’s the Same, Except the Name”).

“I already knew a lot about indoor air pollution after selling air filtration systems for years, but I wanted to get to the source. I realized HVAC systems were just the heart of it, but that there was a whole ant farm pipe system called ductwork all throughout our homes literally caked with dirt, dust, germs, and bacteria.” He’s not kidding when he says “caked,” and if you doubt it, they’ve documented it. You can see the gallery of gunk they’ve amassed over the years, or you can schedule services for your home and be treated to the treasure of trash lurking in your own walls.

“We have a collection of sorts from vents over the years,” Donelson quipped: “tape measures, beer cans, liquor bottles, car keys, matchbox cars, socks, cash, critters, both alive and dead. You name it, we’ve found it!” He goes on to ask, “What’s in your ducts?” In a way, that makes you dial their number in your head.

“Sometimes it’s noticeable by simply looking at your vents,” Donelson said. “We turn our HVAC systems on for hot or cold air, and dust particles shoot out into our homes from various vents; we end up sneezing, coughing, hacking and calling it ‘allergies’ when a simple cleaning would help your family breathe better.

“I found equipment that wouldn’t hurt the integrity of our flex lines, fiberglass duct boards, or tin ducts that are prominently used throughout the Lowcountry and started my own company,” Donelson continued. In business since 2018, they’ve now served over 2,500 customers and have grown more than tenfold in staff. Part of that staff is his Donelson’s son Mark who has been with the company for three years, joining a team Donelson describes as “dedicated from the beginning—and we’re always looking for more.

“We pride ourselves on showing up on time, doing what we say we are going to do, and living with integrity,” Donelson said. Their reviews say it all, with happy customers sharing results of service and the improved conditions of their home. “We mostly deal with referrals and very little other advertising,” Donelson said, celebrating a reputation that speaks for itself. “Local HVAC companies, new construction, Realtors, home inspectors, remediation companies, cleaning companies, rental companies and many neighborhoods refer us to each other,” and you can read most of these referrals for yourself online.

Services run the gamut, but the satisfaction is the same for each. “Our process is simple,” Donelson said. “When you call us for a free estimate, usually I or another qualified consultant will show up, inspect your system, take offs, and trunk lines, looking for any way we can keep your lines flowing better and growth free.”

When they say growth, they mean the mold, mildew, and other self-replicating toxins and bacteria we want to keep out of our homes and lungs. “We reseal ductwork, replace insulation, and make sure pipes are properly attached, wrapped, sealed, and hung up where and how needed,” Donelson explained.

They also troubleshoot specific issues as needed. Suddenly running your dryer two or three times? Energy bill going up and you’re not sure why? When was the last time you checked your external vent to see if it was clogged? Even if you don’t think you have a problem, Air Duct SE stresses the value and importance of prevention, especially in this region where humidity, pollen, rising temperatures and more make for a caustic cocktail, clogging up our household systems. Most would be shocked by what’s in their vents and ducts, and smart homeowners get ahead of the cleaning before they need more costly services or worse, encounter damage and dangers caused by backed-up ducts (like dryer vents so clogged that “we wouldn’t recommend running your dryer at night just so you’re awake if a fire starts.”) That’s the kind of advice that gets your attention.

Clients don’t worry long, though, as Air Duct SE schedules quick and detailed service, getting you back to “original condition” sometimes in minutes. “We are always taking pics and counting vents, keeping a time-stamped record of our before-and-after job results,” Donelson said. “We come to an agreement on price and set up a date for the cleaning and sanitization. We save you money by rewrapping instead of replacing after we check the integrity of your lines. We work with the client for the best results for their needs.”

The “why” takes it right back to what motivated Donelson to start the business years ago: “Everyone deserves fresh air.” For everyone, and for a healthier, happier, breathe-easy spring, call Air Duct SE to see how they can breathe new life into your health and home.

For more information, call (843) 645-3828 (DUCT), visit, or follow on Facebook at AirDuctSE.

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