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Sep 29, 2023

A Note From Town of Hilton Head Mayor Alan Perry: Town Expanding Opportunities for Local Small and Minority-Owned Businesses

Alan Perry

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The Town of Hilton Head Island regularly requests bids for a diverse range of services including project consulting, landscape maintenance, custodial work, catering, drone operations, engineering, road work, technology upgrades, and more.

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Town Expanding Opportunities for Local Small and Minority-Owned Businesses

The Town of Hilton Head Island regularly requests bids for a diverse range of services including project consulting, landscape maintenance, custodial work, catering, drone operations, engineering, road work, technology upgrades, and more. Like any business, we seek vital services to sustain operations, manage facilities, and strategize community initiatives. We aim to support local enterprises and give them an equal chance to bid for town contracts.

Acknowledging the challenges certain businesses face, especially small and minority-owned enterprises, in obtaining government contracts, Town Council instituted a policy to foster greater diversity and inclusivity in contracting opportunities within the town. The policy underscores the town’s dedication to engaging and increasing involvement from these businesses, particularly those on Hilton Head Island.

We define small and minority-owned disadvantaged businesses as those wherein at least 51 percent of ownership and management lies with one or more U.S. citizens (or lawfully admitted permanent residents) who identify as Black, African American, Hispanic American, Native American, Asian American, Indian American, or a woman. The town values the significant contribution of these small and minority-owned businesses to the community’s economic prosperity and overall welfare. Town Council’s objective is to facilitate an inclusive procurement process, ensuring that these entities are informed about contracting opportunities with the town.

For businesses to participate in this initiative and work with us, they must hold a valid business license from the town and certification as small and minority-owned through relevant federal or state agencies offering such designations.

To help spur participation among business owners interested in securing contracts with the town, we are hosting an information session on Thursday, October 26, at 6 p.m., at the Island Recreation Center, 20 Wilborn Road. Rich Groth, our procurement officer, will provide insights into doing business with the town. Additionally, Johnny Burch, a representative from the South Carolina Division of Small and Minority Business Contracting and Certification, will explain the certification process and highlight the advantages of holding this designation. Please save the date and join us for this essential program. Should you have any questions before the event, contact our procurement officer at (843) 341-4711 or  

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