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Hilton Head Island Mayor John McCann

Sep 6, 2020

A Note from John McCann

John McCann

Photography By

M.KAT Photography
Before the end of this year, Hilton Head Island’s Town Council will have fulfilled its most important role: the selection of a new town manager. When current town manager Steve Riley announced his retirement in June, council gathered to choose an experienced firm to guide us through the recruitment and selection process. This is the first time in 26 years that our town council has been through the hiring process for its top employee, so you can imagine what a huge responsibility we have before us.

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We are going through a very formal process that has attracted a field of over 100 applicants seeking this top leadership spot. In June, we contracted with Colin Baenziger and Associates, a small but nationally recognized consulting and municipal recruiting firm based in Daytona Beach Shores, Florida. Mr. Baenziger held extensive meetings with town council and staff to obtain information about the position, the community and the qualities our next town manager should have. In addition, he and his associates contacted a diverse group of citizens to obtain the same type of information.

The firm used this information to create a thorough overview of our history, demographics, geography, commerce, government, challenges and opportunities, and vision of the ideal candidate. This document, which is available on the Town Manager Search page of our website, is filled with information that you may find interesting to read.

With over 100 applications in hand, the recruiting firm will use input already gathered and its recruiting metrics to narrow the field to the top contenders for town council to review and interview. This includes conducting comprehensive background and reference checks. Based on the information we receive, we will collectively select a group of candidates to proceed to the interview process. And, depending on the status of COVID-19 in our community, a public reception may be scheduled for our top candidates to meet community residents and leaders.

To help you stay up to date on what stage we are in, town staff has created a page on our website ( that documents the town manager search process. On this page, you will find the position profile, the job description, the timeline of our search, and an overview of how the public has been and will continue to be involved.

Once chosen, this individual will be the fifth town manager in our 37 years as a town. We’ve been fortunate to have some great town managers over the years, especially a manager of Steve’s caliber, values, experience, knowledge and love for community. He has built a solid foundation for the new leader to stand upon.

Our plan is to select the new town manager in early October with the goal to have this leader in place for our annual retreat in early December. Stay tuned!

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