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Jul 29, 2024

A Note from Bluffton Mayor Larry Toomer

Maggie Washo

Photography By

The Town has designated approximately five acres of land near the Bluffton Police Department in Buckwalter Place for economic development. We are collaborating with a private developer to build 50,000 square feet of commercial space, with 14,000 square feet donated to the Town’s economic development department, The Don Ryan Center for Innovation (DRCI). This space will be used to offer reduced commercial rates for start-up and growth businesses in the region.

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What does the new town budget mean to you?

Stormwater, pollution, economic development, and affordable housing transcend the boundaries of Bluffton. These issues impact not only our town but also our neighboring cities, towns, state, and country. 

This is why regional partnerships are crucial; they act as “force multipliers,” enabling us to address these challenges comprehensively. I want our residents to know how our neighboring cities, towns, Beaufort County, and various agencies are collaborating with the Town of Bluffton to tackle these issues that affect us all.

Stoney Creek Sewer Project

The Stoney Creek Sewer Project is designed to enhance water quality in our region by reducing pollution in the May River. The Stoney Creek area is in unincorporated Beaufort County on May River Road and includes the Stoney Crest Plantation Campground. This area currently lacks public sewer service, leading to runoff contaminants affecting the May River. 

In collaboration with Beaufort County and the Beaufort Jasper Water Sewer Authority, we are working to fund, construct, and connect sanitary sewer systems for the residents in this area. This project, which benefits both the residents and the May River, is funded by a $6 million grant from the South Carolina Infrastructure Investment Program and contributions from each agency.

Beaufort County Economic Development Corporation (BCEDC)

BCEDC serves as the economic development arm of Beaufort County government, offering incentives for companies to expand, locate, or relocate to our area. The Town of Bluffton partners with BCEDC to enhance our own economic development incentives, attracting businesses to Bluffton specifically.

Buckwalter Place Commerce Park

The Town has designated approximately five acres of land near the Bluffton Police Department in Buckwalter Place for economic development. We are collaborating with a private developer to build 50,000 square feet of commercial space, with 14,000 square feet donated to the Town’s economic development department, The Don Ryan Center for Innovation (DRCI). This space will be used to offer reduced commercial rates for start-up and growth businesses in the region.

The SC Power Team, a coalition of 19 electric cooperatives, awarded the town a $1 million grant for this project, and the Beaufort County Economic Development Corporation contributed an additional $130,000. This initiative aims to attract knowledge-based, clean businesses to Bluffton.

Public-Private Partnership/Affordable Housing

In late May, the Town of Bluffton and Workforce State of Mind, LLC broke ground on a 12-home affordable housing community at 1095 May River Road, a parcel purchased by the town in 2018. We are also working with Beaufort County and Beaufort Memorial Hospital to provide more affordable housing on a parcel across from Buckwalter Place, where Beaufort Memorial will develop medical facilities alongside the housing. 

Additionally, the Town has a 10-acre parcel at 115 Bluffton Road, across from the Burnt Church Distillery, earmarked for another affordable housing project.

Town leaders and staff are grateful for these partnerships as we continue to work together, across agencies, to implement solutions in our region to continually improve and protect our quality of life.  


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