A new partner is joining Second Helpings as a drop-off location for food donated by vacationers this summer. Coligny Plaza is a new site for donations of unopened, nonperishable food.
Post-Vacation Food Donation begins Saturday, June 1, with three sites on the Island.
The goal is to collect food that Second Helpings will deliver to the food pantries and soup kitchens that serve those who are food insecure on Hilton Head Island. The program launched in 2023 with tremendous support from rental agencies, Grayco, and the community.
Starting Saturday, June 1, food can be dropped off:
• In Coligny Plaza on Fridays and Saturdays, outside FISH Casual Coastal Seafood Restaurant, next to Piggly Wiggly and across from Skillets.
• At the Grayco Hardware and Home Store on Palmetto Bay Road on Saturday mornings from 7:30 to 10 a.m. Second Helpings volunteers will be on hand to collect food donations. Look for the Second Helpings van.
• At the Palmetto Dunes Pass Office throughout the week.
The program will run until Saturday, August 31.